The Dictionary of Human Geography

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Comp. by: VPugazhenthi Stage : Revises1 ChapterID: 9781405132879_4_M Date:1/4/
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ground. When recorded as a ratio or fraction,
a map’s scale expresses these two distances in
identical units of measurement, with map dis-
tance reported first as one unit, as in 1:10,000
or 1/10,000, which means that a centimetre on
the map represents 10,000 cm on the ground.
(A dimensionless number, 1/10,000, also indi-
cates that an inch on the map represents
10,000 in on the ground.) Fractional repre-
sentations of scale afford a distinction between
large scales such as 1/5,000 and small scales
with huge denominators. Scale may be
expressed verbally, as in ‘one inch represents
one mile’, which some users might find more
helpful than the equivalent ratio 1:63,360
(Goodchild and Proctor, 1997). Maps often
include a graphical scale, on which a carefully
measured line, perhaps subdivided with
appropriately labelled ticks, portrays one or
more typical distances. Unlike ratio or verbal
scales, a graphical scale remains true when the
map is photocopied at a larger or smaller scale.
Cartographic scaleis occasionally confused
withgeographical scale, which refers to the
areal extent of a physical or human process
or phenomenon (seescale). Physical geog-
raphers study entities that range in size from
the small drainage basin in which soil permea-
bility affects stream discharge to the global
stage of atmospheric circulation and climate
change. Social, political and economic pro-
cesses also involve a range of scales, in which
a specific process or phenomenon is usually
associated with a particular level in a hierarchy
ranging from ‘local’ to ‘global’, perhaps with
intermediate levels labelled ‘provincial’,
‘national’ and ‘continental’. When a geo-
graphical phenomenon is represented graphic-
ally, cartographic scale is typically determined
by the size of the page, map sheet or display
screen as well as the map’sgeographical scope;
that is, the area to be covered. That a map
with a broad geographical scope typically
has a small scale, while a map with a narrow
geographical scope often has a comparatively
large scale, underscores the inverse relation-
ship between geographical scale and carto-
graphic scale.
When a major portion of the planet is repre-
sented on a flat map, scale will vary markedly,
not only from place to place but also with
direction (seemap projection). The latter
distortion is particularly obvious on rectangu-
lar world maps, on which the poles are as long
as the equator, while angles and small shapes
are noticeably more distorted in poleward
regions than at lower latitudes. A noteworthy
exception is the Mercator projection, which is

conformal, meaning that scale at a point is the
same in all directions, even though scale varies
enormously across the map. Devised to solve a
specific problem in navigation by rendering
lines of constant geographical direction as
straight lines, the Mercator projection fam-
ously enlarges the size of mid-latitude coun-
tries, relative to tropical nations, and because
north–south scale equals east–west scale
everywhere, the poles lie at infinity. While its
conformality makes the Mercator projection
an acceptable choice for large-scale maps
with a comparatively small geographical
scope, it is a poor framework for world maps
that have nothing to do with navigation.
Because a map’sprojectiondetermines the
type and pattern of distortion, and thus affects
the viewer’s perception of size, shape, distance
and direction, selecting an appropriate projec-
tion is a crucial decision for the map author
(Canters, 2002). An appropriate projection is
especially important for a world map, which
should never include a graphical scale because
extreme distortions are unavoidable. For most
thematic maps, a projection that preserves
relative area is desirable, although the more
extreme distortions of shape found on equal-
area maps of the whole world can be mollified
by a compromise framework such as the
Robinson projection, which attempts to bal-
ance distortions of area and angles (Ipbuker,
2004). The point or line at which a whole-
world map is centred is also important, not
only because distortion is usually low near
the centre but also because territories thus
favoured might be perceived as more import-
ant or accessible than those on the periphery.
Another useful compromise is the interrupted
projection, typified by Goode’s homolosine
equal-area projection, which partitions the
world map into six lobes, for which separate,
locally centred projections minimize shape
distortion for continents and coastlines.
The third principal element of a map is the
graphic coding of geographical features, or
symbolization. Although labels that connote
land masses, oceans and cities can expedite
decoding, standardized symbols that draw on
cartographic conventions, such as blue for
hydrographic features and green for vegeta-
tion, are especially helpful for at-a-glance
assessments of their extent. Also useful are
logical linkages between a map’s content and
the six ‘retinal variables’ readily manipulated
by the map author. As defined by Bertin
(1983), non-verbal cartographic symbols typ-
ically vary in shape, pattern, hue, orientation,
size and greytone value, each of which is

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