The Dictionary of Human Geography

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Comp. by: VPugazhenthi Stage : Revises1 ChapterID: 9781405132879_4_M Date:1/4/
09 Time:15:19:32 Filepath:H:/00_Blackwell/00_3B2/Gregory-9781405132879/appln/3B2/

projection is readily understood as a two-stage
process that begins by shrinking the world to a
hypothetical globe, which establishes the
map’s statedscale. The second stage develops
an azimuthal, a conic or a cylindrical projec-
tion by transferring meridians, parallels, coasts
and boundaries on to, respectively, a plane,
cone or cylinder. Each of these three develop-
able surfaces has a distinctive grid of meridians
and parallels. Sometimes a third stage
readjusts locations and shapes, as when the
sinusoidal projection corrects for the enlarged
poleward areas on a cylindrical projection by
bending meridians inward towards a central
Because of unavoidable stretching, com-
pression or shearing, map scale generally
varies from place to place across the projection
as well as with direction at a point. On a
cylindrical projection, for instance, scale in
the north–south direction might be constant
while east–west scale grows indefinitely large
near the poles. In general, scale will equal the
stated scale only at the point, line, or lines of
contact between the globe and the developable
surface. Moreover, distortion increases with
distance from the tangent point or standard
line, the location of which positions a zone of
comparatively low distortion. Allowing the

developable surface to penetrate the globe pro-
vides a ring of low distortion on an azimuthal
projection and two zones of low distortion on a
conic or cylindrical projection. A map author
can tailor a projection to a specific country
or region by carefully selecting the develop-
able surface and its orientation to the globe
(Robinson and Snyder, 1991; Canters, 2002).
Many perspectives and orientations are pos-
sible. Although all projections distort most
distances, an equidistant projection might
preserve true distance from the Equator, one
of the poles or some other point of interest.
Similarly, an equivalent projection can pre-
serve the true relative areas of countries and
continents, whereas a conformal projection,
which preserves small shapes as well as angles
around points, is especially useful on large-
scale maps of small areas. Unfortunately,
equidistance, equivalence and conformality
are mutually exclusive.
Because the mapped area of a country or
region can be seen as signifying its importance,
the well-known Mercator projection, which
significantly reduces the relative size of trop-
ical nations, has been attacked as biased and
eurocentric, with the most strident objections
emanating from proponents of the Gall–Peters
projection, an equal-area map touted as ‘fair


Cylindrical Cone Plane

Conic Azimuthal

map projection Principal developable surfaces (above) generate distinctive projection grids (below)

Gregory / The Dictionary of Human Geography 9781405132879_4_M Final Proof page 438 1.4.2009 3:19pm

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