The Dictionary of Human Geography

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Comp. by: VPugazhenthi Stage : Revises1 ChapterID: 9781405132879_4_M Date:1/4/
09 Time:15:19:45 Filepath:H:/00_Blackwell/00_3B2/Gregory-9781405132879/appln/3B2/

multiple nuclei model A model of intra-
urban land-use patterns developed by Chauncy
Harris (1914–2003) and Edward Ullman
(1912–76: see Harris and Ullman, 1945) that
combines and extends the features of the earlier
zonal modelsandsectoral modelsof the
chicago school. Rather than being based on
a mono-nuclear city, this model has land-use
patterns organized around several nodes (see
figure), on the argument that different uses
cluster together (in some cases to share special-
ized facilities) and wish to avoid other uses,
thereby creating a number of nuclei around
which the city is organized. rj

Suggested reading
Harris (1997).

multipliers A measure of the total economic
impact of an investment decision, policy
change or external ‘shock’. This includes not
just the initial, immediate impact, but also the

indirect or ‘knock-on’ consequences. Thus a
new manufacturing plant creates initial employ-
ment; this creates a demand for services in the
facturing expansion also generates demand for
additional inputs of energy and steel, so having
ripple effects on supplying sectors. Such multi-
plier effects can be traced usinginput__output
models. There is also a need to track the geog-
raphy of these multiplier effects, to see what
‘leaks’ from the local economy into other
regions, and estimating spatial multipliers
undertaken inspatial econometrics. lwh

Suggested reading
Anselin (2003); Smith (1981).

music Althoughgeographyhas often been
dominated by visual means ofrepresenta-
tion, the study of music, and indeed sound
more generally, has a long if discontinuous
history within the discipline. The earliest

multiple nuclei model Generalization of the internal structure of cities. The concentric-zone theory is a
generalization for all cities. The arrangement of the sectors in the sector theory varies from city to city. The diagram for
multiple nuclei represents one possible pattern among innumerable variations(Harris and Ullman, 1959)

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