The Dictionary of Human Geography

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Comp. by: LElumalai Stage : Revises1 ChapterID: 9781405132879_4_P Date:1/4/09
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maps in supporting geographical enquiry and
knowledge discovery. Shaw, Dorling and
Shaw (2002) demonstrate that had Snow
extended his map to include all of London,
then a greater concentration of deaths would
have been found south of the Thames (Soho is
north of the river). Snow’s map is arhet-
oricaldevice – centred on a particular pump
in London to illustrate his pre-existing finding
that cholera is harboured by polluted water.
The general problem is that maps can be cre-
ated for very deliberate purposes and the eye
can find (or be led to find) apparent patterns
that are not necessarily validated by the data.
Point patterns are therefore verified analyt-
ically against the usual statistical benchmark
by asking ‘Could we expect this by chance?’
quadrat analysisoverlays arastergrid on
the study region to compare the incidence rate
in each cell against the average for all. Other
methods of cluster detection include calculat-
ing the distance from events to either their
nearest neighbour (the earliest form of pattern
analysis within quantitative geography, linked
to testing hypotheses derived fromcentral
place theory) or to other events in the study
region, and also thegeographical analysis
machine. Assessing the significance of the pat-
terns can use probability theory or, in an era of
geocomputation, use random redistributions
of the data to simulate the effects of geography
(controlling for the fact that it is hardly sur-
prising to find more of an event in a particular
part of a study region if more people live
As well as inepidemiology, point pattern
analyses are used in environmental andcrime
mapping (Chainey and Ratcliffe, 2005),
supported by a range of software that include
geographic information systems, GeoDa
(Anselin, Syabri and Kho, 2006) and
CrimeStat (Levine, 2006). As examples of
local statistics, the geographical principles
of these analyses can be extended to use pre-
dictor variables to help explain what is found
(see, e.g.,geographically weighted regres-
sion and the geographical explanations
machine). rh

Suggested reading
O’Sullivan and Unwin (2002); Wong and Lee

Poisson regression models These models
belong to the family of techniques forcat-
egorical data analysis. They are used when
the response variable in aregression-like for-
mat is a count (e.g. the number of crimes in an

area) and the researcher wants to relate this to
other area characteristics. The nature of this
response variable, which cannot be negative,
means that the standard regression model
should not be used. Instead, the natural log of
the count is modelled and its random part
takes on a Poisson distribution so that the sto-
chastic variation (see stochastic process)
around the underlying relationship has a vari-
ance constrained to be equal to the mean. The
Poisson distribution is also used inlog-linear
modellingfor the analysis of multiway cross-
tabulations. If the distribution of the count
(having taken account of the predictor vari-
ables) has marked positive skew so that the
variance of the residuals exceeds the mean, an
overdispersed Poisson or Negative Binomial
model is needed. An example of such a model
is when hospital length of stay is the response;
while the typical stay is a few days, some indi-
viduals may experience a stay of several
months. The multi-level Poisson model
can accommodate spatial random effects.
An important use of Poisson regression is as
part of a model-based approach todisease
mapping, as the Standardized Mortality Ratio
is the ratio of observed count to an expected
count. In the model, the log of the observed
count is regressed on the log of the expected
count and other predictor variables, with the
coefficient associated with the expected count
being treated as an offset, constrained to

  1. Another important area of application is
    the calibration ofspatial interactionmodels
    in which the response is the log of the number
    offlowsbetween areas. Guy (1987) shows
    how the Poisson model can be used to estimate
    quite complex models, including attraction
    and destination constraints. kj

Suggested reading
Griffith (2006); Griffith and Haining (2006).

policing At the most general level, policing
refers to practices aimed at the regulation and
control of a society and its members, especially
with respect to matters ofhealth, order,law
and safety. More specifically, policing refers to
the actions of those agents of the government
equipped with coercivepowerto enforce law
and maintain order. Amongst the key expect-
ations of police officers is that they will work to
reduce the incidence and severity ofcrime
throughsurveillanceand arrest. Policing is
thus the first stage in a criminal process that
can lead to conviction and punishment.
Most research on policing in geography
focuses on the legal, bureaucratic and cultural

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