The Dictionary of Human Geography

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‘culturally turned’geographiesare all exam-
ined, drawing from Anglophone and French
literatures, and questions are asked abouthow
andwhyparticular scholars on particular occa-
sions have chosen to talk about society or the
social, and with what consequences for the
varieties of human geography practised.
More overtly, it is now possible to identify
diverse strands within human geography over
the past quarter century that have been expli-
cit in seeking to theorize the relationsbetween
society and space. Following Soja’s (1980)
statement of the ‘socio-spatialdialectic’, a
range of contributions, at first chiefly based in
a Marxian tradition, but subsequently enriched
by insights from feminism, post-colonial the-
ory, cultural theory, psychoanalysis and else-
where, have illuminated the problematic of
simultaneously articulating ‘the societal con-
struction of space’ and ‘the spatial construc-
tion of society’ (seefeminist geographies;
marxist geographies; post-colonialism;
psychoanalytic theory). In so doing, the
very referents ‘society’ and ‘space’ have been
subjected to intense questioning, in some
literatures being deconstructed to the point
at which the terms appear to be under per-
manent erasure; but theywillpersist, their
names will be invoked, and the problematic
of ‘society-space’ will continue as an unavoid-
able challenge to generations of geographical
theorists to come. cp

Suggested reading
Giddens (1984); Philo and So ̈derstro ̈m (2004);
Smith (2005c).

software for qualitative research Some
qualitative research methodsgenerate large
quantities of ‘data’ for which computer-based
software has been developed. Most of the
available software packages focus on the analy-
sis of textual (including transcribedinter-
view) material and undertake various forms
of content analysis through a variety of user-
informed coding schemes. Among the early
such packages, NUD*ist (Non-numerical
Unstructured Data [for] index searching and
theory-building) was particularly popular: it
facilitates indexing and the structuring of
indexes as well as rapid searches for words
and phrases and producing statistical reports
on, for example, word associations and allow-
ing researchers to insert memos within the
text. More recent developments building on
that foundation include NViVo and XSight:
all privilege certain approaches to textual
analysis – focusing on associations and count-
ing – and thereby to some extent constrain
if not direct the enterprise. As withsoftware
for quantitative research, an increasing
number of freeware packages is available
for interrogating qualitative data – such
as those made available through CAQDAS
(Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data

Name Available from Comments
R R is a general system for statistical computation and
graphics: it offers facilities for data manipulation,
calculation and graphical display either through
built-in functions or add-on packages contributed
by users – this includesspdep, which has facilities
to create spatial weights, tests for spatial
autocorrelation, and procedures for spatial
GEODA This implements techniques for exploratory
spatial data analysis: descriptive spatial data
analysis, spatial autocorrelation tests, and some
spatial regression functionality.

This is a Bayesian based package that fits spatial
models and produces a range of maps as output.
BAYESX http://www.stat.uni-muenchen.

This has a number of distinctive features including
handling structured and/or uncorrelated effects of
spatial covariates. It allows non-parametric, smoothed
relationships between the response and the predictors,
and does this for continuous and discrete outcomes:
it can manipulate and display geographical maps.
MLwiN A comprehensive package for the analysis and display
of multi-level models, this uses likelihood and Bayesian
approaches to estimation: it includes spatial models.
software for quantitative analysis

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