The Dictionary of Human Geography

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Comp. by: LElumalai Stage : Revises1 ChapterID: 9781405132879_4_U Date:31/3/09
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and Smith sees these cities as ‘a focal point
for social, economic and ritualnetworks
sustained and invested in by the hundreds
and thousands of people who lived in them’
so that the result was ‘the product of nego-
tiation, compromise and consensus among
many different individuals and groups.’ dg

Suggested reading
Gates (2003, pp. 29–119); Smith (2003b);
Yoffee (2005).

urban renewal A term referring to a range
of strategies aimed at reshaping urbanland-
scapesand remedying social and economic
problems associated with run-downinner-
city neighbourhoods. These strategies, gen-
erally promoted bystateactors and business
interests, are frequently questioned and/or dir-
ectly opposed by residents of central-city
neighbourhoods. Nevertheless, they generally
result in massive landscape change and the
displacement of large numbers of existing resi-
dents. Debate around urban renewal tends to
focus on the interests that drive it, the specific
strategies employed to achieve it, and the
impacts of renewal strategies on targeted
neighbourhoods and their residents.
Urban renewal has a long history, with ante-
cedents in the Haussmannization of Paris
in the 1850s and 1860s, for instance. Yet, it
generally refers to massivestate-led building
projects in the wake of the Second World War
in Europe and in North America. The first
phase of postwar urban renewal, in the 1950s
and 1960s, was characterized by massive
public works projects that razed established
neighbourhoods in favour of new commercial
districts, housing projects and highways in
the name ofmodernization(Berman, 1983).
These projects were conceived and driven by
powerful state bureaucracies and, in some
cases, by powerful individuals such as New
York’s Robert Moses. Bureaucrats wielded
their power not merely to address self-evident
urban problems but to actually constitute
specific neighbourhoods, and by extension,
certain people and ways of life, as problems
to be remedied. Narrow definitions of ‘blight’
were central to the identification of areas in
need of renewal; a fact that highlights the often
problematic combination ofpower,discourse
andspacein urban renewal (Weber, 2002).
Growing criticism of these strategies – the
negative impacts of which largely fell on the
poor and racial minorities who were forcibly
displaced – led, by the 1970s, to a wider set of
renewal policies. These new approaches

responded to critiques, levelled by people such
as Jane Jacobs (1992 [1961]), of the high-
handedness of planners and the deadened
nature of the new spaces they produced.
In the next three decades, individual urban
renewal projects have been marked by com-
binations of strategies, the relative weight of
each being governed by the specific context in
which each project is operationalized. Massive
state-led redevelopment projects continue in
some contexts while, in others, the refurbish-
ment and preservation of older neighbourhoods,
often with the involvement of neighbours in
localized, participatory planning processes,
has emerged as an important approach.
These strategies have been accompanied by
the emergence ofpublic__private partnerships
as a business-oriented, often property-led
strategy, which still dominates a great deal
of urban renewal and is exemplified by large-
scale urban developments across Europe
(Moulaert, Rodriguez and Swyngedouw, 2003).
Contemporary studies emphasize the role
that the arts,tourism, mega-events (such as
the Olympic Games) andgentrificationplay
in urban renewal and the uneven benefits that
stem from these strategies. Others highlight
alternatives to dominant public–private
approaches, involving various forms of com-
munity development – from co-operative own-
ership models for housing to alternative
methods of investing in inner-citycommuni-
ties– all of which indicate the ongoing tension
and struggle that accompanies attempts to
define problem areas in cities or to formulate
and implement equitable solutions to those
problems. em

Suggested reading
Berman (1988); Moulaert, Rodriguez and Swyn-
gedouw (2003).

urban social movement Collective action
based on grievances that originate or are phys-
ically manifest in urban areas, such as a lack of
public services, in which thestateis the
primary target foractivism. A debate in the
1980s focused on whether there were distinct-
ivelyurbansocial movements, and whether
these were necessarily progressive in their
goals (Fincher, 1987). Castells (1983) argued
that urban social movements were, more so
than other social movements, oriented to
grievances aroundcollective consumption,
rather than around class. Yet other scholars
pointed out that some urban social move-
ments address conflicts in the sphere of pro-
duction (Fincher, 1987).

Gregory / The Dictionary of Human Geography 9781405132879_4_U Final Proof page 790 31.3.2009 9:34pm

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