The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1

Darwinism 143
subsistence agriculture 731
administrative principle 76, 77
Adorno, Theodor
Cartesianism 65
critical theory 125
ideology 367
leisure 417
mimesis 466
modernity 473
social theory 699
travelling theory 775
comparative advantage 105
competitive advantage 105
Aegean Seminars 290
aerotropolis 8
epistemology 208
geographical imaginary 282
geographical imagination 284
governable space 312
human geography 354
music 485
post-structuralism 573
sport(s) 718
subject/subjectivity 731
time–space compression 757
topophilia 763
war 806
affirmative action.Seepositive
military geography 465
patriarchy 522
Boserup thesis 54
continents 112
decolonization 145–7
Europe, idea of 222, 223
exploration 233
historical geography 334
homeland 342
hunger 359
imperialism 373
national parks 488
North–South 506
place names 541–2
poverty 573
refugees 629
regional geography 633
Africa, idea of9–12
blockbusting 50
census 74
ecological fallacy 174
education 187
environmental racism 203
film 252
ghetto 303
memory 454
modifiable areal unit problem
(maup) 476

racial districting 617
section 671
segregation 674
spatial mismatch 713
underclass 779
African National Congress
(ANC) 33
Afro-Latin Americans 413
Afton, B. 20
Agamben, G.
bare life (‘naked life’) 41–2
camp 57–8
ethics 213
exception, space of 225–6
geography 290
holocaust 338–9
homo sacer 344
indistinction, zone of 375
nomos 502
sovereign power 705–6
violence 799
Agar, J. 667
home 342
household 346
age composition
dependency ratio 154
mortality 481
Age of Discovery 231
Age of Exploration 232
demographic transition 152
demography 153
dependency ratio 154
life course/life-cycle 418
population geography 553
population pyramid 555–6
society 702
body 51
as discrimination 13
feminist geographies 247
social geography 693
agency.Seehuman agency
agent-based modelling13–14
cellular automata 74
cybernetics 138
decision-making 144
geocomputation 275
geography 293
mean information field
(m.i.f.) 449
microsimulation 459
population geography 553
simulation 683
Agger, B. 123, 124
agglomeration 14
centrifugal and centripetal
forces 78
Chinatown 82
city 86
communication(s) 102
entrepreneurship 195
external economies 235

growth pole 320
Hotelling model 345
investment 396
just-in-time production 398
learning regions 416
linkages 419
localization 425
location theory 426
outsourcing 516
post-Fordism 564
production complex 589
quadrat analysis 603
resort life-cycle model 647
transaction costs 768
aggregate complexity 105
aggregate travel model 14
Aglietta, Michel 640
Agnew, John
electoral geography 187
flows 258
agrarian question14–16
agricultural geography 17
agro-food system 21
farming 241
peasant 525
primitive accumulation 580
substitutionism 731
Agreement on Trade-Related
Aspects of Intellectual
Property Rights
(TRIPS) 388
agribusiness16–17, 542
agricultural geography17–19, 18
agribusiness 17
farming 241
industrialdistrict 376
rural geography 659
von Thu ̈nen model 803
agricultural involution 19
agricultural rent 498
Agricultural Revolution19–20
Brenner thesis 56
enclosure 191–2
field system 251
agriculture.See alsofarming
biotechnology 50
Boserup thesis 53–4
city 85
core–periphery model 115–16
cultural hearth 133
factors of production 237
fair trade 238
feudalism 250
field system 250–1
frontier thesis 265
game theory 267
global warming 308
green belt 317
Green Revolution317–19
industrial district 376
intensive agriculture 389
landscape 410
limits to growth 419

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