The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1

location theory 426
pastoralism 521
peasant 524–5
proto-industrialization 595
rent 644
resource management 650
sharecropping 681
shifting cultivation681–2
subsistence agriculture 731
transhumance 770–1
transport costs 773
world-systems analysis 813
agro-food system20–1
agrarian question 15
agribusiness 16
commodity chain/filiere 101
food 259
substitutionism 731
Aguilar, Alonso 413
famine 240
food 259
International Monetary Fund
(IMF) 391
redistribution 626
restructuring 652
Third World 754
underdevelopment 780
Africa, idea of 12
diffusion 161
inequality, spatial 380
medical geography 451
pandemic 517
sexuality 680
virus 800
air pollution 4
Aitken, S.
film 253
urban geography 787
Akerloff, George 440
Albanians 213
alchemy 670
Alderman, D. 454
Alembert, Jean Le Rond d’ 90
algorithm 22
complexity theory 105–6
data mining 143
digital cartography 163
districting algorithm 169
general linear model
(GLM) 271
genetic algorithm271–2
heuristic 330
model 469
neural networks 499
regional geography 634
sequence analysis 677
communism 103
critical theory 125
everyday life 224
home 340
placelessness 542

postmodernism 567
qualitative methods 604
Alker, H.R. 174
Allaire, G. 21
Allen, J. 802
Allen, John
power 576
space 707
Allen, P. 106
Allen, R.C. 20
allometry 271
Alonso, William 644
Alonso model23,23–4
bid-rent curve 46
Chicago School 79
density gradient 154
rent 644
von Thu ̈nen model 803
alterity 24
body 51
post-structuralism 573
alternative economies 24
alternative food networks
(AFNs) 259
Althusser, Louis
base and superstructure 42
essentialism 210, 211
identity 364, 365
ideology 367–8
Marxism 444
mode of production 468
naturalism 492
philosophy 531
social formation 692
spatiality 716
structuralism 725
subject/subjectivity 729
Amedeo, D. 586
continents 112
Europe, idea of 222, 223
exploration 233
frontier thesis 265
historical geography 334
homeland 342–3
Lamarck(ian)ism 408
Latin America 412, 413
nationalism 488
nomos 502
North–South 506
regional geography 633
ribbon development 656
America(s) (idea of)24–5
American empire25–6.See also
Pax Americana
area studies 35
critical geopolitics 123
geopolitics 301
globalization 310
market 442
stages of growth 721
American Geographical Society
geographical societies 286

macrogeography 433
American Indians
census 74
environmental racism 203
frontier thesis 265
wilderness 811
Ames, Herbert 384
Amin, Ash
capitalism 62
ethnicity 214
industrial district 376
institutional economics 386
locality 425
location theory 428
science/science studies 667
social exclusion 691
urban geography 787
Amin, Shahid 727
Amnesty International 32
analogue 26
heading,e.g. Bayesian
analytical Marxism26–7
functionalism 266
Marxism 444
individualism 457
rational choice theory 621
analytical philosophy 578
critical human
geography 123
Darwinism 143
liberalism 417
postmodernity 570
radical geography 619
socialism 700
territory 747
Anatolia 789
Anderson, Benedict
identity 365
nationalism 488
Anderson, Kathryn 394
Anderson, Kay J.
Chinatown 82
community 103
geo-body 274
subject/subjectivity 730
Anderson, Perry
capitalism 63
climate 91
feudalism 250
market 442, 443
androcentricity 28
Anglo-American Convention for
the Protection of Migratory
Birds 108
Eurocentrism 221
language 412
Anglophone literature 596
Anglo-Saxons 678
Animal Liberation Front 149

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