The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1

nation-state 490
performance 526
place 540
post-structuralism 573
region 631
spatial structure 715
spatiality 717
subject/subjectivity 730
ethnicity 216
ethnoburb 217
immigration 372
invasion and succession 395
migration 464
multiculturalism 481
segregation 674
transnationalism 772
urban and regional
planning 782
Association of American
Geographers (AAG)
education 187
geographical societies 286
geography 290
humanities 359
relevance 642
socialism 701
values 797
Association of American
Geographers’ Commission
on College Geography 797
astrolabe 668
asylum39, 629
Athens, Greece
nomos 502
participatory democracy 520
attachment 342
Atwood, Margaret 766
Auge ́, Marc 503
Augean Period 612
Auletta, K. 779
Auschwitz 226
Austin, Gilbert 655
Austin, J.L. 148
Austral(as)ia, idea of39–40
assimilation 39
census 74
continents 112
Enlightenment 194
geographical imaginary 282
imaginative geographies 371
immigration 371, 372
multiculturalism 481
public–private partnership
(PPPs) 601
refugees 629
Austria 478
authenticity 40
autocorrelation, spatial.See
spatial autocorrelation
autoethnography 604
Ayer, A.J.
logical positivism 430
positivism 558

Ayres, Clarence 385
azimuth 40

Bachelard, Gaston 341
Back, Les 810
back-to-the-city movement41,
backward linkages 419
Bacon, Francis
chorology/chorography 83
exploration 230
science/science studies 666
scientific revolution(s) 669
Baden School 400
Baden-Wu ̈rttemberg 378
Badiou, Alain
ethics 213
geography 290
Bagrow, Leo 69
Bains, W. 49
Bakan, J. 208
Bakhtin, Mikhail
chronotope 83, 84
literature 420
rhetoric 655
Bales, K. 687, 688
Balibar, Etienne
border 52, 53
mode of production 468
nation 487
nationalism 489
racism 618
balkanization41, 633
Balzac, Honore ́de 84
Bandung Conference 37
Banerjee, B. 78
Banks, Joseph 231, 232
bare life (‘naked life’)41–2
camp 57
exception, space of 226
holocaust 337
homo sacer 344
humanism 356
indistinction, zone of 375
philosophy 531
Barker, Martin 618
Barnbrock, J. 803
Barnes, Trevor
analytical Marxism 27
critical human geography 124
genius loci 272
geography, history of 298
Grand Theory 315
institutional economics 386
law (scientific) 415
locational analysis 429
military geography 465
science/science studies 667
space-economy 710
Barnett, C. 618
barrio 42
Barrows, Harlan H.
human ecology 349
physical geography 534

Barth, Fredrik
ethnicity 216
territoriality 745
Bartheld, Harald 386
Barthes, Roland
discourse analysis 168
everyday life 225
image 369
material culture 448
structuralism 725
Barton, A. 101
Barvaria 331
base and superstructure42–3
historical materialism 335–6
infrastructure 383
Bassin, M. 30
Basso, K. 676
Bataille, Georges 770
Bateson, Gregory 8
Bateson, William 142
Batty, M. 787
flaneur/flanerie 256
modernism 470
psychogeography 597
Baudrillard, Jean
cyberspace 139
simulacrum 682
social theory 699
Bauer, Peter
market 443
Third World 754
Bauman, Z.
consumption 109
holocaust 337
modernity 471
Baxter, J. 606
Bayart, J.F. 10
Bayes, Thomas 43
Bayesian analysis43–4
endogeneity 192
remote sensing (RS) 644
simulation 683
Beakhurst, Graheme 545
Beauvoir, Simone de
body 51
Other/Otherness 515
Beaverstock, J.
metageography 456
urban geography 786
Beazley, C.R. 297
Beck, Ulrich
cosmopolitanism 117–18
modernization 475
risk 658
risk society 658
security 673
social theory 698
Becker, Gary 621
Beckett, J.V. 20
catastrophe theory 73
contextual effect 110
cycle of poverty 141

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