The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1

game theory 267
governance 313
post-normal science
(PNS) 570
quantitative methods 609
search behaviour 670
decollectivization 525
colonialism 96
development 155
growth theory 321
imperialism 373
mode of production 468
self-determination 676
state 723
territorial integrity 744
tricontinentalism 776
animals 29
cartography 68
critical geopolitics 121
cultural geography 131
dialectic(s) 158
gender 268
human geography 354
literature 422
Marxism 445
metaphor 456
posthumanism 564
post-structuralism 572
subaltern studies 727
subject/subjectivity 729
text 750
textuality 751
deduction 149
classification and
regionalization 90
geocomputation 275
geodemographics 277
induction 375
deep ecology 149
environmentalism 205
geopiety 300
defensible space149–50
deindustrialization 150
economic geography 179
gentrification 274
inner city 384
location theory 427
restructuring 653
deinstitutionalization 343
Delaney, David
difference 159
law 414
Deleuze, Gilles
actor-network theory (ANT) 6
affect 8
assemblage 38
epistemology 207
ethics 213
film 253
flows 257
geographical imagination 283
Marxism 445

minor theory 466
naturalism 492
nomadology 502
ontology 512–13
post-structuralism 573
process 587
rhizome 655
space 709
spatiality 717
territorialization 745
Deleuzian philosophy
cultural geography 133
culture 138
deliberative mapping150, 437
della Dora, V. 69
Demangeon, Albert 199
Demeritt, David
environmental history 200
science/science studies 667
democide 273
agrarian question 14
civil society 87
Cold War 93
electoral geography 188
ethnic democracy 214
liberalism 417
market 442
modernity 471
nation-state 490
nomos 502
participatory democracy 520
Pax Americana 523
peasant 525
pluralism 543
populism 556
quango 607
radical democracy618–19
restructuring 652
social well-being 700
West, the 809
World Trade Organization
(WTO) 813
Democritus 449
demographic transition152,
ageing 12
Boserup thesis 53
fertility 249
nuptuality 506
population geography 553
world-systems analysis 814
Chicago School 80
cohort 92
crime 120
demographic transition 152
fertility 249
historical demography331–2
interviews and
interviewing 393
life expectancy 418
life table 418

mortality 481
nuptuality 506
population density 552
population geography 553
population projection 555
tragedy of the commons 766
urbanization 792
Deng Xiao Ping 700
Denoon, D. 679
density gradient 154
Denton, N.A. 675
Department of Homeland
Security 343
department stores 654
dependence, zone of.Seezone of
dependencyratio 154
core–periphery model 115
development 156
dual economy 173
industrialization 380
mode of production 468
NIDL 500
political ecology 546
post-development 563
underdevelopment 780
world-systems analysis 813
deportation 213
Derrida, Jacques
animals 29
anti-humanism 33
assemblage 38
critical geopolitics 121
deconstruction 147–9
discourse analysis 168
epistemology 206
ethics 213
geography 290
literature 420
Marxism 445
mimesis 466
phenomenology 529
philosophy 530
postmodernism 568
post-socialism 571
post-structuralism 571, 572
social theory 699
socialism 700
subaltern studies 727
text 750
textuality 751
Descartes, Rene ́
Cartesianism 65
chorology/chorography 83
foundationalism 262
identity 364
modernity 473
scientific revolution(s) 669
descriptive cosmography 116
desertification 155
human geography 354
structuralism 725

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