The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1

empire (cont’d)
colonialism 94, 96
conflict 106
domination 172
Enlightenment 194
hegemony 327
historical geography 334
home 341
identity 365
memory 453
military geography 465
occupation, military 508
partition 520
slavery 687
trust 778
war 806
cartography, history of 70
case study 72
critical human geography 123
economic geography 180
extensive research 234
foundationalism 262
geographical explanation
machine (GEM) 282
geography 290
Grand Theory 315
hermeneutics 329
historical geography 333
logical empiricism429–30
population geography 553
positivism 558
quantitative revolution 611
realism 622
science/science studies 667
values 797
employment 177–8
empowerment 191
action research 5
activism 6
gender and
development 269–70
enclave 191
exclave 228
free port 263
ghetto 303
regional geography 633
segregation 673
field system 251
intensive agriculture 389
primitive accumulation 580
endogeneity 192
Bayesian analysis 44
contextual effect 110
instrumental variables 387
spatial econometrics 712
energy 193
petro-capitalism 527–8
pollution 551
recycling 625
transport geography 773
Engels, Friedrich

base and superstructure 42
class 88
globalization 309
historical materialism 335
ideology 366
inner city 384
Marxism 444
mode of production 468
NIDL 500
segregation 674
slum 688
stages of growth 720
terms of trade 743
enclosure 191–2
historical demography 331
Malthusian model 433–4
place names 541
political economy 547
political geography 549
Postan thesis 560
English language 28–9
Asia (idea of) 37
economy 184
epistemology 206, 207
Eurocentrism 220
Europe, idea of 222
fieldwork 251
geography 288
geography, history of 296
hermeneutics 329
historical geography 335
identity 364
Kantianism 400
mimesis 466
modernity 471, 473
population geography 552,
primitivism 581
race 615
representation 645
rhetoric 655
scientific instrumentation 669
secularism 671
slavery 687
social theory 699
welfare state 808
enterprise zone195, 263
Entfernung 337
hunger 360, 361
pastoralism 521
entrepreneurship 195
informal sector 381
squatting 719
Entrikin, J.N. 400
models 196
general systems theory 271
information theory 382

quantitative revolution 611
entropy-maximizing models 196
ecological inference 175
economic geography 179
entropy 195
gravity model 316–17
information theory 382
prediction 579
quantitative methods 608
human geography 350
population geography 552
environmental audit 196
Environmental Design Research
Association 45
anthropogeography 30
Berkeley School 45
biogeography 47
climate 90
co-evolution 92
colonialism 96
continents 113
cultural landscape 133
environmentalism 205
Europe, idea of 223
explanation 229
geography,historyof 297–8
hazard 324
human agency 347
human geography 350
Lamarck(ian)ism 408
local knowledge 422
nature 493
nomadism 501
physical geography 533, 534
probabilism 585
religion 643
social geography 693
environmental economics197–8
externalities 235
global warming 308
intensive agriculture 389
limits to growth 419
natural resources 490
environmental hazard198–9
behavioural geography 44–5
hazard 324
pollution 551
environmental history199–200
diffusion 161
geography 292–3
historical geography 335
music 485
Environmental Impact
environmental justice201–2
ecofeminism 174
environmentalism 205
geography 294
human geography 351
political ecology 547
pollution 551–2

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