The Poetry of Statius

(Romina) #1

and Aeschylus: 114–5
and Sophocles: 112–4, 117, 227–8,
(see also allusion, Jocasta, Oedipus,
Seneca Minor, Statius’ The-

fora, imperial: 67, 70–1, 76–7, 81
Forum Romanum: 65, 69–71, 75–8,

Gevartius, Caspar:
and Grotius: 61
and Scriverius: 55
Papinianae lectiones: 55, 61
Gronovius, Johann
and Grotius: 62–3
and Scriverius: 55
commentary on the Thebaid: 1–2
canonisation: 7, 9
compared to Barth’s commen-
tary: 3, 6
early criticism on: 14
evaluation of quality: 10–3
Gronovius on: 13–4
reception: 1, 2–3, 6–7
Diatribe in Statii Silvas: 62
fame and reputation: 15
his conception of emendation: 2
his critical method: 9–10
on Barth’s Claudian: 5–6
on Heinsius’ Claudian: 5–6
(see also Barth, Daum, Dübner,
Hand, Reinesius, Veenhusen)
Grotius, Hugo: 56–64
and Claudian: 59–60
and Gevartius: 61
and Gronovius: 62–4
and Peyrarède: 63–4
and Poliziano: 57–9, 61
and Statius: 57–64
imitation of: 57–61
critical work on: 61–4
as an editor: 56
as a poet: 56–61
as an uomo universale: 56
Epithalamia: 60
Patria: 61
political life: 56
Sacra: 61

Silva ad Cochlinum: 57
Silva in Thuanum: 57–9
Vossius on: 58–9
and Apollodorus of Damascus: 80
on Gronovius’ Thebaid: 14
(see also Gronovius)
battle narrative: 85, 88–91
aristeia of Diomedes: 89–90
daylight, book-divisions and
outbreak of battle: 96–7
Doloneia: 94
Hector and Achilles: 95
outbreak of fighting: 88–9
on Oedipus and his mother Epi-
kaste: 220, 226
on Tydeus’ embassy to Thebes: 218
similes: 101–2
(see also battle narrative, Lucan,
Statius’ Thebaid)
immortality of poetry: see under Sta-
tius’ Thebaid
‘quotation’ in literary texts: 20–43
in elegy: 23
in Horace: 27–8
in Lucan: 23
in Ovid: 23–7
Heroides: 27
in Petronius: 20–2
in Virgil: 23, 24–5
Roman self-presentation via: 23
(see also epitaphs, Statius’ Silvae)
invocation: see muses and under Sta-
tius’ Silvae
Janus Quadrifons: 70–1
attempt at reconciliation: 222–5,
in Euripides’ Phoinissai: 222–3,
in Seneca’s Phoenissae: 222,
224, 235
in Statius’ Thebaid: 224–5, 235
in Stesichorus: 222
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