The Poetry of Statius

(Romina) #1

(Statius: Thebaid: Domitian)
as Jupiter: 181
Augustan patronage as ideal
model for: 178–9, 181
fame of the poem independ-
ent of politics: 180
future deification: 185–93
homage as a ploy of self-
commendation: 177
imperial patronage: 178–9,
181, 193
(possibly) subversive themes:
180–1, 186–7, 188–9
succession and legitimacy:
181–4, 189–93
superiority of literary author-
ity over political ~: 179–
(see also deification)
early commentaries on:
Barth: 3–9
Gronovius: 1–2
encomium: 185–9
ephebi: see puer
immortality of poetry: 180
Jocasta: 219, 224–5
and Dido: 233
attempt at reconciliation by:
224–5, 236
suicide of: 219, 225, 231–3
supposed inconsistency
(double suicide): 219, 234
(see also under Jocasta)
Jupiter: 129–141, 216, 235–6
and Domitian: 141
as sanguinis auctor for
Thebes and Argos: 134–5
weak rhetoric of: 132–3, 136,
138–9, 140, 141
dignity of: 130–2
Laius: 216, 231–2
lightheartedness: 211
messenger: 119–20
Oedipus: 112–4, 129–30, 133–4,
138, 139–41, 215–9, 234–5,
and Jupiter: 129, 133–4
and Tantalus: 141
and Tisiphone: 129–30, 215–
(see also under Oedipus)

Parthenopaeus: 200–4
Phaethon: 186–93
as model of the bad ruler:
187, 189, 191
as usurper: 190–2
associated with an invitation
to modesty: 188–9
Polynices compared to: 191–
puer delicatus: see puer
recusatio: 184
similes: 94, 100–2, 103, 107
succession and legitimacy: 181–
3, 189–93
tigers: 87–8
timing of events in book 11–12:
112–3, 127
tradition and repetition: 182
(see also Athens, Barth, battle
narrative, Domitian, Eurip-
ides, Gronovius, Homer,
muses, simile(s), Valerius
Flaccus, Virgil)
succession in literature: 175–9, 183–4,
sudor: see sweat
enhancing charm / seductiveness:
195, 200, 201–2, 205–7
(see also dust and puer)
sylva: see silva
Tisiphone: see Statius’ Thebaid: Oedi-
tradition and repetition in Flavian epic:
Valerius Flaccus
anachronisms in battle narrative:
and historical warfare: 105–6
Hylas: 205–7, 214
Pollux: 197–9
Veenhusen, Johannes:
Thebaid cum notis variorum: 7, 8, 9
Via Sacra:
architectural propaganda around:
and historiography: 105
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