The Poetry of Statius

(Romina) #1

  1. COOPER, C. (ed.). Politics of Orality. Orality and Literacy in Ancient Greece, Vol. 6.

  2. ISBN 13: 978-90-04-14540-5, ISBN 10: 90-04-14540-0

  3. PETROVIC, I. Von den Toren des Hades zu den Hallen des Olymp. Artemiskult bei Theokrit und
    Kallimachos. 2007. ISBN 13: 978-90-04-15154-3, ISBN 10: 90-04-15154-0

  4. PETROVIC, A. Kommentar zu den simonideischen Versinschriften. 2007.
    ISBN 13: 978-90-04-15153-6, ISBN 10: 90-04-15153-2

  5. GAERTNER, J.F. (ed.). Writing Exile: The Discourse of Displacement in Greco-Roman
    Antiquity and Beyond. 2007. ISBN 13: 978-90-04-15515-2, ISBN 10: 90-04-15515-5

  6. KORTEKAAS, G.A.A. Commentary on the Historia Apollonii Regis Tyri. 2007.
    ISBN 13: 978-90-04-15594-7, ISBN 10: 90-04-15594-5

  7. BOEKE, H. Wisdom in Pindar. Gnomai, Cosmology and the Role of the Poet. 2007
    ISBN 978 90 04 15848 1

  8. LUSCHNIG, C.A.E. Granddaughter of the Sun. A Study of Euripides’ Medea. 2007.
    ISBN 978 90 04 16059 0

  9. LAZARIDIS, N. Wisdom in Loose Form.The Language of Egyptian and Greek
    Proverbs in Collections of the Hellenistic and Roman Periods. 2007.
    ISBN 978 90 04 16058 3

  10. JENNINGS, V. & A. KATSAROS (eds.). The World of Ion of Chios.2007.
    ISBN 978 90 04 16045 3

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    Gestae. 2007. ISBN 978 90 04 16212 9

  12. VAN MAL-MAEDER, D. La fiction des déclamations. 2007. ISBN 978 90 04 15672 2

  13. DE JONG, I.J.F. & R. NÜNLIST (eds.). Time in Ancient Greek Literature. Studies in
    Ancient Greek Narrative, volume 2. 2007. ISBN 978 90 04 16506 9

  14. KITZINGER, M.R. The Choruses of Sophokles’Antigone andPhiloktetes. A Dance of
    Words. 2008. ISBN 978 90 04 16514 4

  15. CONWELL, D.H. Connecting a City to the Sea. The History of the Athenian Long Walls.

  16. ISBN 978 90 04 16232 7

  17. MARKOVI 2 , D. The Rhetoric of Explanation in Lucretius’ De rerum natura. 2008.
    ISBN 978 90 04 16796 4

  18. GEIGER, J. The First Hall of Fame. A Study of the Statues in the Forum Augustum. 2008.
    ISBN 978 90 04 16869 5

  19. KIM ON CHONG-GOSSARD, J.H. Gender and Communication in Euripides’ Plays. Be-
    tween Song and Silence. 2008. ISBN 978 90 04 16880 0

  20. KEULEN, W. Gellius the Satirist.Roman Cultural Authority in Attic Nights. 2008.
    ISBN 978 90 04 16986 9

  21. MACKAY, E.A. (ed.). Orality, Literacy, Memory in the Ancient Greek and Roman World.
    Orality and Literacy in Ancient Greece, Vol. 7. 2008. ISBN 978 90 04 16991 3

  22. HORSFALL, N. Virgil, Aeneid 2. 2008. ISBN 978 90 04 16988 3

  23. DE JONGE, C.C. Between Grammar and Rhetoric. Dionysius of Halicarnassus on Lan-
    guage, Linguistics and Literature. 2008. ISBN 978 90 04 16677 6

  24. DEMOEN, K. & D. PRAET (eds.). Theios Sophistès. Essays on Flavius Philostratus’
    Vita Apollonii. 2008. ISBN 978 90 04 17109 1

  25. SMOLENAARS, J.J.L., H. VAN DAM & R.R. NAUTA (eds.). The Poetry of Statius.

  26. ISBN 978 90 04 17134 3

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