In a series characters probably change a little over the course of each story, but if they change too much, then their relations ...
their values. Values indicate a theme. The theme centers on the core values that are expressed in a story, the basic message, or ...
the characters better, and we come to admire them more. What’s hidden along the way from your characters or from the audience? W ...
apt to be attracted to power and control, to defending the right, to the gross and silly. Girls still seem to be more romantic i ...
Exercises Think back to when you were a child. Who were the people that you liked the best? Who frightened you? Why? Can you us ...
Grab a piece of paper and list at the top each of the three to six characters you’re devel- oping for your project. Underneath ...
CHAPTER 6 Development and the Animation Bible 77 Getting Started How can you turn your characters and your ideas into a project? ...
For a TV show or a feature you might consider obtaining the rights to something with marquee value and develop your project aro ...
must also appeal to their parents, because they’re the ones who usually lay out the money. Appeal. Does it appeal to the needs, ...
If this is a children’s show, think of the kids! Stretch their imaginations. Develop pro- gramming content that’s active, not p ...
done well. But programs with a girl in the lead are still often a tougher sell. If you feel that girls need good, strong role mo ...
(That’s borrow, not kidnap!) Get nieces and nephews involved. Ask a soccer group or church group what they think. Do they like y ...
works are looking for something that’s similar to something else that’s currently successful. What’s hot and what’s not is const ...
dren’s TV is likely to be changed substantially during development after it’s optioned. So be flexible and open to any changes i ...
The Television Presentation Bible A presentation bible contains the following (often in this order): Title page with the series ...
The Preschool Curriculum A preschool series in the United States normally requires a separate curriculum in addition to the bibl ...
to air an entire series, and the interstitials can build up audience support for a series later. So consider pitching your short ...
artwork. It would be protected more thoroughly if I actually registered that work with the U.S. government by paying a fee and f ...
Figure 6.1 Bible for How To Care For Your Monster, Toon Factory (France). Based on the book How To Care For Your Monster, writte ...
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