
(Ben Green) #1

“Harry.” When the moon is full, he wants to eat garbage, sniff the neigh-
bors, and chase cats, joggers, cars, and trains. Forget using a leash, you’ll
be skinned alive. And, after he’s been out for the night, hope he doesn’t
come home picking his teeth with a bone. But when the moon isn’t full,
he’s just a bald-headed, needy man without a job who is good for little
else than sitting around your house complaining, watching the tube, and
eating pork rinds. With his monotone “Steven Wright” laconic comments,
complaints and criticisms, the human Harry is “The Wolf-Man Who Came
To Dinner” and who never intends to leave.


Not too long ago, Brady had a great Monster, a real absolute bane of
creation. It was truly a standout ghoul.

But then, one stormy evening, Brady nervously peeked inside his dark
closet expecting the usual fright, but got nothing. No gasp, no jolt, no
lunge, no imminent demise... not even a tingle. Nothing. Then the true
horror began to sink in.

Brady’s bedroom had been invaded... cleaned up by his mother! And his
Monster had fled.

SSoo tthhee sseeaarrcchh iiss oonn ffoorr BBrraaddyy’’ss MMoonnsstteerr......

...a personal if slightly obsessive quest that will motivate Brady through
the entire series. But until he finds his runaway fiend, he’ll be trying out
a string of potential replacements – despite the exasperation of his

The identity and appearance of this creature are kept a mouth-watering
mystery... but we do get tantalizing, comedic bits of insight as to what
this thing might look like through Brady’s attempts to describe it to
potential witnesses. And the perpetually unseen picture he passes
around gets consistently alarmed responses. It’s a running gag which is
perhaps best paid off in the imaginations of our viewers.


Figure 6.1 Continued

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