
(Ben Green) #1


  1. What genre of stories do you have a passion for now? Which stories did you like as a
    child? Why did you love those stories?

  2. What themes interest you or move you? Why?

  3. Find a design style that you particularly like. Bring in pictures that the class can see, or
    draw something in a style that is uniquely your own. Discuss.

  4. Using the characters you developed earlier, start development on a television series and
    a presentation bible.

  5. If you’re an artist, design the primary locations for your series, put your characters in
    action within the settings, add the character drawings you finished earlier, and include
    the artwork with your bible.

  6. Start development on a concept for a feature film, using the characters you developed
    earlier. First see the section on feature films.

  7. Work on the basic idea for a short film using your own original characters.

  8. Develop the concept for an Internet short. See the section on the Internet.

  9. Create a video game or wireless concept, and work on the concept proposal. See the
    section on games or wireless first.

  10. Go to a legal library and research copyrights and trademarks.

  11. Research contracts.

Development and the Animation Bible 109
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