
(Ben Green) #1


  1. Make a diagram of basic animation structure so that you can see it and better under-
    stand it. Be sure your diagram shows how it’s all interconnected.

  2. Copy one of the structure diagrams on the board and discuss it in class.

  3. What was your favorite gag-based cartoon of all time? Why? Discuss the structure of
    one of the classics.

  4. Watch Shrek. List and discuss the basic structure points (hero and goal, villain, catalyst,
    game plan, turning points, major crisis, critical choice, battle, climax, and theme).

  5. Discuss the subplot of Shrek. How does it weave in and out of the main plot and make
    the story richer?

  6. List ten possible themes for an animated feature.

  7. If a short cartoon has less structure, what keeps our interest? Discuss.

  8. What keeps our interest in a short film with no story? Discuss in class.

  9. How much structure will your project need? Which structure method will you use, or
    do you plan to use another kind of framework? If you’re using a structure that was not
    discussed, how will it hold your story together and make it interesting for the audience?

  10. Who is your protagonist in your project? What’s his problem or goal? What terrible
    thing will happen if he doesn’t get what he wants? Who or what opposes him? Does
    your protagonist learn something by the end of the story and if so what?

116 Animation Writing and Development

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