
(Ben Green) #1
Jackie (perhaps searching the streets) gets a call

from CAPT. BLACK on his cell phone, informing him of

developments [Black has dodged the Shadowkhan for the

moment, calls covertly]. A comic moment as Jackie fervently

apologizes to Black for this “inconvenience,” but Black’s

seeing the bright side: he can FINALLY prove to his

superiors that the Shadowkhan actually exist! Black

hangs up and places a cocky cell phone call to Washington

and tells his boss to “check their surveillance monitors”

of the Section 13 facility; but, in that one-sided

call running gag, we garner that his superior checks

the monitors and sees nothing. Stupefied, Black looks at

his own BANK OF MONITORS to see that there are indeed

NO NINJAS TO BE SEEN. Black sees himself on the last

monitor, as a NINJA ENTERS FRAME and subdues him—the action

only a seeming pantomime by Black on the security monitor


Meanwhile, Jackie, Uncle, and Tohru know they have to come

up with a plan: they’ve got to figure out a way to get close

enough to Jade to splash Uncle’s potion on her, and with an

army of Shadowkhan guarding her, that ain’t gonna be easy.

Tohru cites Finn’s earlier disguise, inspiring Jackie to

146 Animation Writing and Development

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