TV cutoff A picture is broadcast uniformly, but not all TV sets pick it up and project it the
same. Some of the edges may be lost on some sets in the process. TV cutoff is an arbitrary
average of loss for the artist to compose his picture within. Field guides are available on cel
so that artists can compose important parts of the drawing within the area that will always
be seen.
tween Age between being a child and a teen. Starts between ages eight and eleven. Ends
several years later when a child is truly a teen. Girls may go through this stage as much as
two years before the average boy. Kids this age consider many things as babyish, but they
may not be ready for rebellion and sexuality.
twist A turn in the plot or story elements. A surprise.
two-shot (2-shot) Two people on the screen.
underlays (UL) Levels that go under or in back of the main characters (such as the railing
of a ship that the characters are leaning on).
VOD Video on demand.
voice-over (VO) (A) The character’s voice is heard, but he isn’t physically present at that
location at that time. He may be narrating. We may be listening to his thoughts. The char-
acter is not merely off screen or off stage (OS) nearby beyond the view of the camera. (B)
The recorded voice of a character.
walkthrough In multimedia this is the treatment, written in narrative form. It’s a descrip-
tion of the story and the main interactive features.
walla Background hubbub in a scene, as from a group of people talking, reacting.
wide Expanding the shot and what we see.
wipes Scenes seem to wipe off a predecessor and wipe themselves on. These are a transi-
tion of place. In traditional animation these are done in camera. In CGI they’re completed
on the computer. They can be done left to right or right to left. They can be replaced by zip
pans or cross dissolves.
wire frame The framework of a CGI model.
worm’s-eye view Low angle. The camera is looking up at the shot.
WS Wide shot.
xerox (A) The photographic process of transferring a drawing onto a cel. (B) In traditional
animation the department where the animation drawings are photocopied onto cels.
Glossary 335
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