
(Ben Green) #1


Finding Ideas


Where Do Ideas Come From?

Ideas can come from anywhere, so be open to all possibilities. Keep a notebook with you to
jot down the best ones. Often when you’re working on a project, good ideas come to you at
night. You might want to keep a notebook, pencil, and flashlight by your bed. I’ve found that
when I’m blocked, if I can put my work away for a day or two, the idea that I’m looking for
will surface on its own. Your subconscious keeps working away at the problem until it comes
up with an answer.
Think about your own experiences because this is what you know. What stands out in
your life? How do you feel about the people in your life? Would any of them make good
animation characters? What makes you angry? What makes you happy? What’s important
to you? Are there sounds that frighten you? Think about smells that bring memories. What
do you like to touch? Use your emotions and all your senses.
Go back to your childhood. What do you remember most? Why? What problems did
you have? What made you cry? What made you proud? What did you love to do? What
made you laugh? What bullies did you encounter, and what did they do to you? Who were
your best friends? How did you spend your summers? What trouble did you get into and
why? The life of a very young child is centered around daily routines. What were the emo-
tions, sights, sounds, and smells of yourchildhood? Do you have any interesting family stories
or family myths? What did you care about? What did you wish for? What were your dreams?
Search for a crowd, find a place to sit, and watch the world go by. Choose a park or play-
ground, a shopping mall, the zoo. Or make up stories about the people in line at the grocery
store or those in the cars on the freeway. Some places are more charged with opportunity
than others: hospitals, police stations, juvenile court, weddings, funerals. Pick any passing
person and make up a story about him. Maybe someone reminds you of someone else you
know. Give your subject a personality based on what you see. Judge attitude, body language,
and dress. How does your subject talk? Whom is she with, and what is their relationship?
Why are those people there? What terrible or funny thing just happened? What will happen

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