
(Ben Green) #1
— What are the shifting allegiances in your character’s life?
— Does he feel pressured by other people or circumstances?
What are your character’s hard choices? Crises? Urgent decisions? How does he
react differently from the norm?
— Values. What’s important to your character?
— How does he feel about the past? What in past situations have specifically affected
the important choices he is making in this story?
— What are your character’s current circumstances (rich/poor, good luck/bad luck)?
What effect do these things have?
What current threats exist in your character’s life?
What opportunities does he have?
— How does your character feel about the future?

  • Situation
    — How did your character get involved in this situation?
    — What about his background or personality made him get involved?
    — What kinds of changes has your character been going through?
    Birth of a child? New brother or sister?
    Marriage? New stepmother or stepfather?

Death in the family?
A major move?

A major school or job change?
— What external or internal stresses is your character facing?

  • Birthplace

  • Ethnic background (when needed, research for authenticity) and any cultural

  • Social/economic/political/cultural background and current status (research)

  • Education

  • Occupation—research well if he has one. Values derived from the work (an
    accountant vs. an actress)
    — Pace, stress factors, other characteristics of the job

  • Lifestyle

  • Family

64 Animation Writing and Development

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