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Chapter 5

This chapter has explored the
varieties of love,the difficulties of
defining love,and the theories of mate
selection.The ancient Greeks used four
words (eros,philia,storge,andagape) to
describe different aspects of love.
Although terms are different,we
continue to define love types in
essentially the same way today.
Because of the elusiveness of a
definition of love,its place in mate
selection is subject to different theories
of mate selection.Psychodynamic theory
suggests an unconscious component to
mate selection,one which is largely
determined by our parents and our
childhood experiences.Exchange
theories view relationship formations
from a more utilitarian framework,
having to do with the balance between
what we are putting into a relationship

versus what we are getting out of it.
Stage theories look at relationship
formation from a developmental
perspective,noting progression though
particular stages of a developing
Whilethesetheoriesseem tohold
someexplanation for mateselection,the
roleof romantic love—what wethink of
asthemain reason for choosinga mate—
isgiven littleattention.It isimportant to
seetheinterconnection between
research on brain chemistry confirms
what wehavelongthought tobetrue:
Peoplearechangedby theexperienceof
fallingin love.Thus,it iseasier to
understandhoweasy it istomakehasty,
rash decisionsabout thechoiceof a mate.
Christians stress the importance of
relying on God and their loved ones to
confirm their decisions about


they have not thought to discuss,or that
are difficult for them to discuss.(see {accessed June
23,2009} or
{accessed June 23,2009} for more
information on premarital inventories.)
Several recent articles have indicated
that counseling can be damaging to a
marriage,since only about 17% of
counselors are marriage and family

therapists who have been trained to
work with couples.Those seeking
premarital or marital counseling should
carefully investigate the qualifications of
the counselors before committing to
therapy.A list of certified marriage and
family therapists can be found at the
AmericanAssociation for Marriage and
Family Therapy website at
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