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Love and Mate Selection:What’s Love Got To DoWith It??

prospective marriage partners.No one is
in a position to make such an important
decision in isolation.Premarital
inventories can provide an unbiased look
at the strengths and weaknesses in a
relationship and provide for better

decisions about the relationship.Prayer,
an extended period of premarital
counseling,and the wise advice of others
can be invaluable in helping couples
make one of the most significant
decisions they will ever make.

  1. What do you think are the most important characteristics in a spouse?Are some of
    these characteristics absolutely essential or are they just important?

  2. Which of the theories presented in this chapter fit best with your thoughts on why
    we choose the mate we choose?Why?

  3. Think about your family of origin.What impact does it have on your choice of a
    spouse? Do you see this influence as good or bad?

Getting Ready for Marriage Workbookby Jerry D.Hardin & Dianne C.Sloan (Thomas
Nelson Publishers,1992)
Sacred Marriageby Gary L.Thomas (Zondervan,2000)

Questions for Thought


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