The man who finds a wife finds a treasure, and he
receives favor from the Lord... .Let your wife be a fountain of
blessing for you. Rejoice in the wife of your youth.
—Proverbs 18:22;5:18
Happily Ever After?
t the conclusion of the wedding ceremony,the great adventure begins!
Unfortunately,too many couples are unprepared for the journey.They have put
so much time and energy into planning the wedding and honeymoon,they have not
thought about what happensafterthe wedding.Often there is an assumption that“if we
can just find the right spouse,we will live happily ever after.”
A good marriage is not so much a matter offindingthe right mate as it isbeingthe
right mate.Married life takesstaying power,something which is established in the
critical first weeks and months after the honeymoon. This chapter will focus on the
The Early Years