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Marriage and Family Life: The EarlyYears

they often face criticism and mixed
messages from the very culture that
idolizes the family.Newly married couples
face enormous pressure from family,
friends,and even their churches,
encouraging them to have children.
Western culture reveres parenting by
emphasizing such occasions as Mother’s
Day and Father’s Day,which is reflected in
the greeting card industry,restaurants,
department stores,and even churches.
This can be a very painful experience for
couples who have been unable to conceive
or have chosen not to.
In a recent survey of Americans youth
between the ages of 12 to 24 year olds,
almost 90% expected to have children
some day (Youth Happiness Study,2007).
For most newly married couples,the
question is notifthey should have
children,butwhenandhow many.

Delayed Childbearing

In thenext chapter,wewillconsider the
tremendouschangesthat takeplacewhen
children enter themarriagescene.Couples
needtotaketheadvent of children into
consideration in family planning.Couples
today delay childbearingfor a number of
reasons.Somewait toensurethat their
enough tosurvivethechallengesof
parenting.Many couplesmarry later in
life,which naturally resultsin delayed
childbearing.Couplesoften want toget a
goodstart on their careersbefore
introducingchildren intothepicture.They
becomeinvolvedin their careers;many
andbalk at makingsacrificesfor thesake
of havingchildren.Thus,couplestoooften
findthemselvesin their late30sor early
40sandin a frenzy tohavechildren before
their“biologicalclocks”run down.
Ironically,whileyoungcouplesmay seek
couplesmay seek technologicalaidin
order toget pregnant.Fertility beginsto
rapidly after 35.A woman may beunable
toconceiveby thetimesheisin her late
40s.Currently 20%of women nowhave
their first childafter age35,soageisan
increasingly common causeof fertility
problems(Nouriani,2006).Birth defects
alsoincreaseasthemother ages.

Couples today are marrying and
having children later in life.


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