living with adoptive parents.These
children comprise 2.5% of all children
under the age of 18.Of all adopted
children,16% are black,7% areAsian and
2% are Native-American (ChildWelfare
Information Gateway,2004; U.S.Census
Bureau,2004).The U.S.adopts more
children internationally than any other
country,accounting for 13% of adopted
children (Tarman,2003; U.S.Census
Bureau,2004).Experts attribute part of
this escalation to a number of reasons,
including the fact that fewerAmerican
children are available for adoption due to
abortion,the increase in single-parenting,
and the preference for adoption by
relatives (Tarman,2003).
Birth parents have a number of
different reasons for placing a child up for
adoption,but it is usually because they
want a better life for their child than they
feel they can provide.Children who are
eligible for adoption come from many
different settings such as foster care,
orphanages,birth relatives,or from the
hospital after birth.
There are different ways that adoptions
take place.Some are arranged through
adoption agencies while some are handled
independently using an attorney or
private center.An increasing number of
adoptions are taking place internationally
with parents adopting children from other
countries.There are also different kinds of
adoption ranging from closed or
confidential adoptions in which neither
birth nor adoptive parents know the
other’s identities,to open adoption where
there is some level of contact between the
two families.
When left to medical science alone,the
choices involved in family planning are
very complicated and confusing.In
addition to seeking medical advice,a
couple is wise to seek answers through
prayer,Bible study,and sound Christian
advice.The husband and wife then need
to commit totally to their mutual decision.
If one partner feels in any way
uncomfortable about a family planning
choice,both partners need to renew their
discussion,counsel,and prayer.
Chapter 6