Chapter 8
Without a doubt,future generations
will ask the same question.In essence,the
question is one of purpose—a crisis of
purpose not unlike that experienced in
adolescence.Adolescents struggle to
develop an identity apart from their
parents.In midlife,the struggle involves
an intense period of introspection with
respect to hopes,dreams,and goals—
many of which people in midlife may have
held since adolescence.In addition to
introspection,the desire to leave a legacy
also surfaces.People in midlife may ask
themselves these questions:Who did I
want to be?Who am I now?Who do I
want to be in the future? How can I leave
my mark on this world?
These questions cannot be addressed
apart from the physical aging which
becomes increasingly apparent in midlife.
As signs of aging occur in the body,
reflection often takes precedence in a
person’s life.
Midlife Crisis.Most people struggle as
they make the transition to midlife.
However,some people react more
dramatically than others.Sidebar 8.1 lists
the range of symptoms which can mark
the midlife transition.Not too long ago,it
seemed men had more difficulty at this
age dealing withmidlife crisis.This period
of introspection and reevaluation of life
generally occurs between the late thirties
and the early fifties.It was not uncommon
for men at midlife to divorce their wives of
20 plus years,begin dating right away,and
sometimes marry again,often a much
younger woman.Psychologically,this
represents a rejection of and safeguard
against aging,as in,“If I am able to attract
a younger woman,then I am not as old as
my years say I am.”
Currently,therapists are seeing nearly
an equal number of men and women
leaving their marriages during the middle
Midlife Transition
Midlife transition is a normal part of maturing.
years. The symptoms or signs of midlife can be
positive or negative and can range from mild to
- Questioning the meaning of life
- General discontent with your life or lifestyle,
when it has previously provided happiness - Confusion about who you are and where
your life is headed - Questioning decisions you made in the past
- Greatly increased or decreased ambition
and drive - Boredomordiscontentwithpeopleoractivities
you previously enjoyed - Daydreaming,irritability,orunexpectedanger
that differs from earlier in life - Feeling adventurous; having the desire to do
something completely different - Givingintoalcohol,food,ordrugcompulsions
- Greatly increased or decreased sexual desire.
If sexual desire increases, this may include
sexual affairs,especially with someone much