Marriage and Family Life: The Middle and LateYears
God’s view of aging certainly differs
from many contemporary ideas!As we
age,we should strive for quality of life.
Many older people find retirement to be
a time to fulfill goals they have put off—
such as getting more involved in
volunteer activities,mission projects,
and other mind- and spirit-building
Christians need to reach out to the
older people around them.More than
one widow or widower has been heard to
say,“I have to go to church because it is
the only place where I can get a hug.”
This can translate to mean“the only
place that I can touch and be touched by
other people.”What a sad commentary
on an all-too-common reality.
While the thought of death is
probably far from your minds during
this academic time in your life,death is a
reality all people face.Christians can take
comfort in the fact their lifetimes are but
a second to God,and they have eternity
waiting in the wings.It may seem
frightening to think about death now,
but as Christians age,they find
increasing comfort in living peaceful
lives and calmly awaiting the next with
their Heavenly Father.
The Christian community can do a lot to ease the loneliness
of the elderly by reaching out to widows and widowers.
- “But the godly will flourish like
palm trees and grow strong like the
cedars of Lebanon.For they are
transplanted to the Lord’s own
house.They flourish in the courts of
our God.Even in old age they will
still produce fruit; they will remain
vital and green.They will declare,
‘The Lord is just! He is my rock!
There is no evil in him!’”
(Psalm 92:12–15).