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I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
—Philippians 4:13

ual-income marriages are more the norm today than the exception.The
employment of wives and mothers rose dramatically from 1960 to 1990 and has
since leveled off (Cotter,England,& Hermsen,2007).Currently 65% of mothers who
have children under 5 years old are in the workforce.For mothers who have children over
5 years old,the rate has hovered between 79 and 80% for the last 6 years (Women in the
Labor Force,2007).Approximately 60% of families with children younger than 18 are
dual-income families—both parents in the workforce (U.S.Department of Labor,2008a).
This compares with less than one third of mothers in 1975.Working motherhood is a
relatively new phenomenon for middle-class families; however,black middle-class
mothers have preceded their white counterparts in the job market (Landry,2000).


The Juggling Act



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