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Families andWork: The JugglingAct

benefitstheir children intellectually,aswell
astheability toprovidea multitudeof
sportsandother after-schoolactivities,
which benefit children’sdevelopment.
memberof thefamilyderivesbenefit.

Single-Parent Families and Work

The number of single parents
continues to rise to the extent we are
seeing a change from a two-parent family
structure to a single-parent family
structure (Dunifon & Kowaleski-Jones,

2002).This shift is very prevalent in
African-American families,accounting for
over half of allAfrican-American families
(McCreary & Dancy,2004).InAfrican-
American families,the kinship support
common inAfrican-American culture
tends to mediate some of the
disadvantages for these families,which
may make them better off than their white
counterparts (Durr & Hill,2006).
Asiseasily imaginable,singleworking
parentsoften havea moredifficult time
balancingwork andfamily.Statistics
suggest singlemothers,in comparison to
their marriedcounterparts,tendtohave
lesseducation,bear children at younger
ages,andhavefewer financialresources
complicatethework opportunitiessingle
parentsexperience.Children in single-
parent familiesnot only havefewer
financialresources,but alsohaveaccessto
only oneparent.Studieshaveshown single
workingmothersreport lesscontentment
with thetimethey havetodevotetotheir
children,andfeelthey havemademore
sacrificesin their family andpersonallives
for work thanemployedmarriedmothers
(Bianchi,Robinson, &Milkie,2006).
Bianchi alsofoundthat in contrast to
marriedmothers,whosetimespent doing
housework hasdecreasedby nearly half
sincethe1950s,theamount of housework
performedby singlemothershasremained
essentially unchanged,nearly equaltothat
of marriedmothers.Thisequatestoabout

Children can benefit from the multitude of sports and after-
school opportunities dual-career families can often provide.


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