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Chapter 11

Black-white marriages are more than
twice as likely to consist of a black male
married to a white female (U.S.Census,
2008b).The reasons for this are not clear.
This arrangement may indicate black men
feel more freedom in their marriage choices,
or that they have a lower opinion of black
women as marriage partners than they do of
white women.It may indicate black women
have a low opinion of black men,or feel
more freedom to choose to remain single.
Black women often resent successful black
men who choose to marry white women.
Others claim this situation is a crisis in the
black community,contributing to the
increase in the numbers of single mothers
(Crowder & Tolnay,2000; Judice Powell,
A couple who intermarries—particularly
a black-white couple—is more likely to have
been married before and to be age
discrepant (varying widely in age; e.g., older

man with younger woman) (Knox &
Schacht, 1999). Intercultural couples often
choose to live in an urban community
which is diverse and puts distance between
them and their parents.

The Challenges of Intercultural Marriage

Intercultural marriages can be
problematic for ethnic groups seeking to
retain their culture and traditions.
Intercultural marriage partners often are at
odds with both sets of families. They find it
challenging to respect the ethnic traditions
of both families and pass them on to their
children, especially if they cannot
compromise. Couples may choose to break
ties with their cultural traditions rather
than try to resolve family conflicts. Couples
may also isolate themselves from their
families, either by choice or because one or
both families reject the couple for having
married outside the group (Karis, 2003).
Living without extended kin
relationships can be very stressful on a
marriage. This places more emphasis on
the marriage partners to fulfill needs
which are sometimes met by extended kin.
With the advent of children, couples living
without the support of extended kin may
find life particularly challenging. Such
stresses may cause the couple to become
even more isolated or may result in
intensified conflict. Such stress will also be
felt by children living without extended
kin. Often an intercultural marriage which

Interracial marriages between blacks and whites
are more likely to be age discrepant.

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