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Cultural Variations in Marriage and Family

A Christian Response to Social Class

Discrimination based on social class is a
subtle threat to Christian unity. Christians
often subconsciously show favoritism to
the rich while alienating the poor. Even
children learn they are expected to belong
to certain groups and operate within
certain circles of people. It is human nature
to form“cliques,”to want to be with people
“like us.”But Christians are called to rise
above human nature, to seek Christ’s
nature. Churches frequently organize along
racial, ethnic, and class lines, giving
children an impression the“others”are
practicing the wrong religion.What did
Jesus have to say about social class?
Christians especially should be

sensitive to the social systems which
negatively affect families in poverty. For
example, as New Orleans faced the
impending disaster of Hurricane Katrina
in 2005, middle-class families with cars
and money for gas were able to evacuate
on their own, leaving poor families to rely
on ill-equipped governmental agencies for
survival. Christians and other faith-based
groups responded quickly to fill the gaps
left by social agencies. Churches opened
their doors to refugees, feeding and
housing them, transporting them to
shelters, and assisting with their basic
needs. Christians and other faith-based
organizations have continued to supply
relief to those whose lives were shattered
by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Their
efforts to rebuild devastated communities
have made a concrete difference to
thousands of devastated lives. Wherever
possible, Christians need to be willing to
uphold social justice by advocating public
policy changes to help families in poverty.

A Christian Response to Disability

A key principle of the Christian faith
is to uphold the dignity of human beings.
Jesus often chided Pharisees for
neglecting the poor and sick, and for
showing favoritism to elites (see Matthew
23). He said,“Whoever wants to be first
must be last of all and servant of all”

for mutual up building. Do not,
for the sake of food, destroy the
work of God. Everything is indeed
clean, but it is wrong for you to
make others fall by what you eat;
it is good not to eat meat or drink
wine or do anything that makes
your brother or sister stumble
(Romans 14:13, 19–21 NRSV).

“But those who exalt themselves
will be humbled, and those who
humble themselves will be
exalted” (Matthew 23:12 NLT).
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