Conflict in Families
responsibility to protect children and
intervene when the aberration of physical
discipline—physical abuse—occurs.
Statistics.According to the U.S.
Department of Justice (Longley, 2005),
family violence accounted for 11% of all
reported and unreported violence between
1998 and 2002. Of these offenses against
family members, 49% were a crime against a
spouse, 11% a parent attacking a child, and
41% an offense against another family
member. Seventy-three percent of family
violence victims were female and 76% of
persons who committed family violence
were male. Family violence is generally
underreported because of the cultural belief
that what happens within the family is
private and out of fear of what might
happen if it is reported.
Spouse Abuse
About 1 in 5 couples each year will
experience at least one violent episode in
their marriage (Rennison, 2003). Spouse
abuse often starts in courtship and
escalates in marriage. It may begin as a
light slap during a frustrating argument.
With each new conflict, the abuse may get
worse. Victims of abuse often feel they
deserve the abuse and have no alternative
but to live in the abusive relationship.
Warning signs of a possible abuser include
extreme jealously, an attempt to control,
and a tendency to blame others. Victims
are often isolated from others, so they may
feel they have nowhere else to go
(American Psychiatric Association, 2005).
Male Dominance.Spousal abuse is
more common in traditional marriages
where the husband is dominant. By
traditional, we are referring to a
contemporary version of a nineteenth-
century model of marriage in which the
husband and wife share one identity—the
identity of the husband. In chapter 6, we
examined how today’s traditional
marriage differs from previous versions.
However, certain elements remain,
including a clear definition of roles.
Husbands are the primary providers and
make most of the decisions. Wives care for
the children and the home, especially
while the children are young.
In the case of spousal abuse, people
who adhere to traditional gender roles
About one forth of family violence is
committed by women.
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