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Divorce and Remarriage

factors related
to a young age
of marriage
are a lack of a
education and
the addition
of children
before age 20.
Some teenage
because of a
statistics indicate a higher divorce rate
among those with a premarital pregnancy
(Lu, 2006).
In addition to age and education,
statistics indicate people in certain careers
are more prone to divorce. High divorce
rates occur in couples who spend a
considerable amount of time apart in job-
related activities. Certain highly stressful
occupations are also associated with a
higher divorce rate: physicians, police
officers, firefighters, or military personnel
(Knox & Schacht, 1999).
Other high-risk factors include
interracial marriage, unemployment,
previous divorce, and a courtship of less
than 6 months (Lu, 2006). It would appear
two of the simplest ways to avoid divorce
are to stay in college and avoid a
premarital pregnancy.

Social-Psychological Factors Related
to Divorce

Based on his groundbreaking work in
behavioral observation methodologies,
John Gottman has developed a method
which predicts, with 94% accuracy, which
newlywed couples will remain married
and which will divorce 4 to 6 years later.
He is also 81% accurate in predicting
which marriages will survive after 7 to 9
years (Gottman, 2000). He has identified
what he refers to as the four types of
behavior which are particularly corrosive
in a marriage:

If left unchecked, criticism and
defensiveness can lead to contempt.

Image from / diego cervo

  1. Criticism: Most marital conflicts start
    with criticism.Wives are more prone
    to criticize than husbands. Criticism
    is presenting a problem as though the
    other person has a defective
    personality. Note that criticism is
    different fromcomplaining, which
    reflects unhappiness without
    attributing it to the other person’s
    personality. The book of Proverbs
    says,“Gentle words cause life and
    health, griping brings
    discouragement (15:4 TLB). Proverbs
    17:9 (TLB) says,“Love forgets
    mistakes; nagging about them parts
    the best of friends.”

  2. Defensiveness:Both genders are
    equal-opportunity offenders of this
    predictor of divorce. Basically,
    defensiveness is just what it says it is.

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