Divorce and Remarriage
custody of children) who are living in
poverty (Wallerstein, Lewis, & Blakeslee,
2000). This trend is far more severe for
women and children, since most children
of divorce reside with their mothers.
Another study documents women
experience a 30% drop in income level, as
compared to a 10–15% increase for
divorced men (Stafford, Eccles, & Schoeni,
The Effects of Divorce on Personal
Immediate Effects on Children.In the
immediate aftermath of divorce, children
suffer from loneliness, fear, worry, sadness,
anger, guilt, and feelings of rejection.
Children of divorce are more likely to
experience depression, withdrawal, and
aggressive or impulsive behavior than
children from intact families (Popenoe,
1995; Amato, 2001). Their routines are
disrupted and their household is in
disarray, frequently for years. They often
face relocation to a new neighborhood,
new school, and new friends, as well as the
loss of old friends. Just when they need
their parents the most to help them make
sense of what is happening, they
experience preoccupied parents who are
also trying to cope with the stresses
surrounding divorce (Hetherington &
Kelly, 2002). Children often find the pain
and grieving following the separation of
their parents overwhelming.
Wallerstein found two thirds of the
children she followed longed for their
absent parent, and over one half
experienced feelings of rejection from one
or both parents. Less than 10% of the
children experienced relief at the divorce
(Wallerstein, Lewis, & Blakeslee, 2000).
Children couldn’t understand why one of
their parents was gone and, subsequently,
often felt their parent had abandoned
them. If the father was the one who left,
young boys often mistook their mother’s
criticism of their father as criticism of
themselves. Both boys and girls frequently
felt they were to blame for their parents’
divorces (Wallerstein & Blakeslee, 2003).
Long-Term Effects on Children.Five
years after a divorce, according to
Children often find the pain and grieving
following the separation of their
parents overwhelming.
Image from BigstockPhoto.com / Masza S