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Adam and Eve initially lived and worked
in a perfect world.Imagine a world where
you wouldn’t dread getting out of bed in
the morning,a world where you could
spend time doing whatever you wanted to
do.Imagine walking and talking daily with
God,asking Him any questions you had
on your mind.This was God’s design for
humanity.However,the first family fell to
temptation and ushered sin into the
world.A perfect relationship with God
was broken.
Clearly,thingshavechanged since
Adam and Eve.We often hear about the
“changing face”of theAmerican family,
but those faces have been changing since
humanity’s beginnings.Generation after
generation,the history of humankind
reflects a natural progression or
regression,including the place and
function of family.Change of any kind
often triggers fear.Our generation is not
the first to worry that societal change will
threaten thetraditional familyand all the
moral and cultural values it embodies.
JohnWatson,noted child psychiatrist of
the early 20th century,predicted that by
1977 the family would no longer exist
The evidence seems to negateWatson’s
prediction.Despite the changes which
have occurred,family remains a vital part
of American culture and society,with no
indication of demise.The reason is
because we distinguish between theform
of family and theinstitutionof family.It is

our belief that the form of family has and
will continue to change,but the
institution of family will remain an
integral part of society.

A Nation of Immigrants:
Family Life Through
the Eighteenth Century

The early history of NorthAmerica as
it relates to family involves three primary
but distinct groups of people: Native-
Americans,European settlers,and
Africans brought here as slaves.In this
chapter,we will examine changes in the
family through the cultural lens of these
inextricably intertwined groups.

The Birth of a Nation:
Family Life Prior to the 1600s


A Diverse Culture.Diversity was the
hallmark of the early Native-American

Chapter 2

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