Divorce and Remarriage
successful stepfamily integration, the birth
will complicate this integration
(Bernstein, 1989). Parent-child
interactional changes have been noted by
investigators who have found disruption
in both the stepmother–stepchild
relationship and the stepfather–stepchild
relationship (Ambert, 1986; Hobart,
1991). Other studies seem to contradict
the previous studies and demonstrate
benefits such as greater stepparent-
stepchild involvement, closeness, warmth
and overall integration with the addition
of a shared child (Ambert, 1986; Hofferth
& Anderson, 2003).
How Stepfamilies Meet Challenges
In 1978,Andrew Cherlin suggested that
stepfamilies are incomplete institutions
because our language,laws and customs do
not accommodate them.While other
researchers argue against this definition,
institutional support for stepfamilies is
skeletal.Stepparents often face non-inclusion
by school systems,social organizations (such
as youth groups and religious groups),and
medical institutions (in which stepparents
often have non-family status) (Ganong &
Coleman,2004; Stewart,2007).
Stepfamily Timeline.All stepfamilies
have ups and downs. The first 2 years tend
to be the most difficult as family members
struggle to sort out new relationships,
come to terms with the ghosts of the first
relationship, establish new roles, develop
new rules, and work out conflict
resolution. Hetherington and Kelly (2002)
refer to this time period as a time of
disorganization and turbulence.
Stepfamilies are at their most vulnerable
during this time. The next 1 to 3 years are a
period of stabilization, which is often fairly
tranquil, as the compromises made in the
first 2 years continue to guide the family.
Conflicts often arise again as children near
adolescence. This can present a time of
crisis for a stepfamily, just as it does in an
intact family (Bray & Kelly, 1999;
Hetherington & Kelly, 2002). Clinicians
suggest that a strong couple relationship is
Stepfamilies created by divorce and remarriage are,
by their very nature, created out of loss.
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