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  1. As it relates to marriage and family, how does our culture reflect a“disposable”society?

  2. What are the most serious effects of divorce on families? On children? What
    consequences would you add that we have not mentioned in this chapter?

  3. In your experience, which of these groups is better prepared to help families who have
    experienced divorce/remarriage: social agencies or the church? Explain your answer.

  4. How can the church better minister to stepfamilies and divorced individuals?

Questions for Thought

Chapter 13

resilience, increased independence, and
increased responsibility as advantageous
for their growth. While divorce
admittedly has negative effects on
children, these researchers suggest some
of the problems children experience may
have existed before the divorce.
Single-parent families are formed when
parents divorce, cohabiting couples
separate, or—in increasing numbers—
women raise children out of wedlock. The
number of single parents has increased
dramatically: 1 in 3 children is born to
unmarried parents, and 1 in 2 children will
spend some time in a single-parent family.
Single mothers have a lower standard of
living than their married counterparts and
often rely on welfare for a period of time.
Half of all single mothers do not receive
regular child support, which exacerbates

their financial problems. In addition to
financial difficulties, single parents also face
role and task overload which can be
A growing number of people bring a
child into a new marriage.While
stepfamilies experience the same
difficulties all couples experience, they also
have more complex challenges. Some of
these challenges include loyalties to absent
parents, boundary fuzziness with children
belonging to two different families, and
financial struggles related to child support
and spousal maintenance. Despite the
challenges stepfamilies experience, they
also reap rewards. Stepfamilies provide
children with a broader definition of
family, a larger network for support and
socialization, decreased loneliness, and
greater independence and autonomy.
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