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Building Strong Families

Figure 14.1
Strong Family Quiz

  1. When trouble hits my family, we pull together as one unit.

  2. The members of my family are committed to our family.

  3. My family members talk behind each other’s backs.

  4. My family has a faith that is valued and shared by all

  5. My family enjoys being together.

  6. My family has trouble sharing emotions.

  7. My family argues a lot when we are together.

  8. In my family,we speak directly about things that bother us.

  9. In my family,each member feels valued and appreciated.

  10. Family members are able to openly express affection for
    each other.

  11. My family has trouble solving problems when they arise.

  12. In my family,members feel close to one another.

  13. I often feel misunderstood by my family.

  14. I am proud of my family.

  15. I feel comfortable sharing my feelings with my family.





What Determines a Strong Family?

Is there such thing as a strong family?
If so, just what would a strong family look
like? Is there such thing as a normal
family? You may be asking yourself these
questions: Do I come from a strong
family? How can I make my family a
stronger family?

Strong Family Quiz

Before we look at family strength, take
the quiz in Figure 14.1:
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