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Chapter 14

Strong families communicate positively
with one another. They pay attention
when someone says or does something
deserving of a compliment. Instead of
becoming jealous because of a family
member’s achievement, they join with that
family member in celebrating the
achievement. They recognize special
talents, gifts, skills, and achievements, and
bring them to the attention of others—
both inside and outside the family
(DeFrain & Stinnett, 2002; Olson &
DeFrain, 2006).

Deal with Conflict Constructively

Every family member will make
mistakes, but strong families find ways to
encourage, love, and support each other in
spite of mistakes. They freely give love and
respect, not as a way to “buy” love, but as a
way to express true affection.
Conflict occurs in every family, even
strong families. Family members get mad,
criticize, and correct each other. Strong
families are able to deal with conflict in such

a way that it does not destroy a family
member or harm the family’s well-being.
Strong families employ constructive conflict
resolution methods to build up family
relationships rather than tear them apart.

Remember the Little Things

It is not necessary to throw a party or
post a compliment on a billboard to
express appreciation. Family members
can do this in simple, ordinary ways. For
example, you can write a note and put it
in a family member’s backpack, purse, or
briefcase. Notes can become family
keepsakes, treasures to be read over and
over, each time giving the reader a new
sense of how he or she is appreciated.
Planning a special date with a son,
daughter, or spouse also communicates
you care and want to spend time with
this family member.

All families have conflict but strong families are able to
deal with conflict in a way that does not harm family
members of their well-being.

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  • “That was a mighty good dinner,

  • “Thanks, Dad, for putting gas in my

  • “Hey, Emily, you did a great job of
    coloring that picture!”

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