Chapter 14
special happens. Unfortunately, family
members often become involved in their
own busy schedules, allowing the pressures
of the moment to block true
“Tommy hit me in school, Daddy,” the
little girl says softly.
“Uh-huh, that’s nice,” a very
preoccupied dad replies, scrambling to get
to work on time.
Model God’s Understanding
God models the kind of understanding
which hears and responds. When
Christian songwriter Dottie Rambo
ministered to her unsaved, dying brother,
he remarked that the Lord surely would
not want a person like him after the
wicked life he had lived. She helped him to
realize God did indeed want a person just
like him, after which she wrote the song
titled: “He Looked Beyond My Fault and
Saw My Need” (Rambo, 2003). This is the
kind of understanding we need to give
every member of our family.
Make Time to Talk
Busy lifestyles often get in the way of
taking time to talk. Talking about feelings
cannot be rushed; it takes time. Turn off
the TV to avoid distractions. You cannot
have meaningful dialogue “during
commercials,” because your mind is
focused on what will follow the
commercial. However, take advantage of
whatever time is available to you. You can
give your undivided attention, even in
short periods of time: chauffeuring a child
to an after-school activity, washing dishes,
or getting ready for bed.
Family games can encourage talking.
Create a personal family game by writing
down questions like these: “If you could
be anyone you wanted to be, who would
you want to be and why?”“What animal
would you like to be?”“Is it ever OK to tell
a lie?” Make sure the questions are
appropriate for all family members. Put
the questions in a box and draw them out,
one family member at a time. Encourage
one another to answer the questions as
honestly as possible.
Strong families communicate in positive ways, expressing
their thoughts and feelings and listening to the
thoughts and feelings of others.
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