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Chapter 14

Families who are characterized by these
six character strengths: commitment,
appreciation and affection, positive
communication, time together, spiritual
well-being, and the ability to cope with
stress and crisis, are better able to meet the
challenges of raising a family in today’s
complex world. Their united strengths
enable them to draw upon one another’s
resources. They become a source of
strength to one another and an example to
other families.We need to keep in mind
that both individually and collectively as
families, the source of our strength is in
Christ.As we looked at in the beginning of
this chapter, what wecannotdo in our

own strength, Godcando in His strength
through us.
Successful families celebrate their sense
of family and its strength. They look for
positive ways to develop new family
strengths. Most of all, strong families give
credit to God for carrying them through
life’s many complexities. Strong families
realize Jesus Christ became a human being
by being born into a family. They
understand the Father and the Son enjoy a
relationship which is a family relationship.
And strong families accept that they, as
God’s image-bearers, are called to honor
family in all its stages, assuring that family
remains the foundational building block
of contemporary society.

A Christian Perspective

Research has identified six major
qualities or themes common to strong
families across the globe. These
qualities are commitment, appreciation
and affection, positive communication,
time together, spiritual well-being, and
the ability to cope with stress and
The family who modelscommitment
sets family goals, practices family
traditions, develops family history, and
is willing to sacrifice for family unity.
The family who modelsappreciation
and affectioncommunicates in word

and action, deals constructively with
conflict, remembers the “little things,”
and treats family like “company.” These
families appreciate the unique
contributions of each family member.
Family members express love and
respect freely, not as a way to buy love,
but as a way to express sincere affection.
The family who modelspositive
communicationmakes time to talk,
speaks clearly, learns to listen actively,
acknowledges and identifies the other
person’s feelings, and avoids statements
which will invalidate what another is


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