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What the Experts Say about
Family Challenges

Balswick and Balswick (1999) summarize
some of the challenges families face as they
adapt to contemporary social changes.You
may find some dilemmas embedded in their

Loss of Moral Authority

Political and social diversity means less
agreement about family values. This loss of
moral authority may result in privatization
of the family.What this means, ironically, is
that in a country of diverse cultures, one
family may not have much in common with
another family. Devoid of a community that
promotes a singular conception of the
family, married couples are left to struggle
privately to apply their faith to the
competing interests of home and career.

Some Christian family experts have
advocated a return totraditional family
values. It is not easy to identify what is
meant by“traditional.”Is it the eighteenth-
and nineteenth-century model, the pre-
World War II model, or the 1950s model?
Thus, returning to traditional family values
is not likely to provide much guidance in a
society that is dramatically more complex
than the“good old days.”It may be that old
patterns of family life are not practical in
modern society. Clearly one needs to look
more closely at the biblical model of
marriage (see chapter 6) as a viable and
time-tested way to deal with changing
cultural climates.

Mixed Messages

The increasing complexity of
communication forms in contemporary
society has contributed to the speed of
communication and variety in
communication ability. For example, a cell
phone now can take pictures and send
them via e-mail; that same cell phone can
download music, allow you to view a
football game or connect to the Internet.
However, not everyone is at the same level
technologically. Often, changes occur so
rapidly that the cell phone purchased last
month is already obsolete. Technology
itself may present obstacles to
communication if some people are not
able to “keep up with the Joneses.” More

The Future of the Family

  1. Premarital sex:With the advent of
    reliable birth control, sexual
    behavior has become increasingly
    separated from married life. Of
    course, extramarital sex has always
    plagued humanity since the Fall, but
    today couples are more likely than
    ever to be sexually active before
    marriage and to live together before
    marriage (see chapter 4).

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