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abortion:A medical procedure used to end a pregnancy.

abuse:An extreme and violent adaptation to a need to control one’s family.

active listening:A communication technique in which each participant in a discussion
repeats what the other said before responding.

affect:The outward expression of emotion.

agape:A Greek word, describing unconditional love, as in commitment.

altruism:Unselfishly giving time, energy, and money to others without expectation of return.

assimilation:A process by which an immigrant fully integrates themselves into the

assisted reproductive technology (ART):Different medical interventions used to assist an
infertile couple in becoming pregnant.

assortative partnering:Choosing a partner based on physical characteristics.

attachment:The physical and psychological connection of an infant to its primary
attachment figure (parent or primary caregiver).

authentic sexuality:Balswick and Balswick’s concept that one must balance the natural sex
drive with sociocultural family teaching about sex and God’s plan for sex.

authoritarian parenting style:Demanding and directive, but not responsive to the child.

authoritative parenting style:Demanding, but in a loving, supportive way.

baby boomer:In a general sense, everyone born between 1946 and 1964.

battered person syndrome:The stages through which a battered person eventually develops
the motivation to leave: denial, guilt, enlightenment, and responsibility.

beat culture:A group of writers, artists, musicians, and other cultural icons who helped to
shape an aesthetic of societal change following World War II.


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