Layout 1

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biblical model of marriage:A marriage model that stresses covenant, grace, empowerment,
and intimacy.

bicultural:Adoption of language and norms of two cultures.

caring:One of the Nichols’life-cycle core tasks, it involves the level of affection and concern
that exists between the spouses.

case history:A way of scientifically gathering data by an in-depth look at one or more
marriages or families.

celebrity stage of parenting: Begins before the baby is born with changes in extended family
status and a sense of being special but at the same time feeling ambivalent.

child abuse:Any form of treatment which could potentially harm a child.

cognitive restructuring:The strategy of juggling home, work, and family by concentrating
on the things which really matter and ignoring the rest.

cohabiting couples:Two people living together in a marriage-like arrangement without the
benefit of marriage.

cohabitation:Refers to an unmarried couple living together.

cohesive/individuated marriage: These couples combine gender equality with intimacy
which allows for personal freedom. These couples value renewal, affection, support and
companionship. They have a low rate of divorce.

commitment:One of the Nichols’life-cycle core tasks, it involves the level of devotion and
dedication to the marriage and to a spouse; the decision to further a loving relationship.

commodified family: As families increased consumption of goods, the family itself became a
commodity to help make the money necessary to make purchases.

common-law marriage:A mutual agreement made by a cohabiting couple to present
themselves as a married couple.A few states legally recognize these as marriages after the
couple cohabits for a certain number of years.

communication:One of the Nichols’life-cycle core tasks, it involves how couples develop
patterns of communication at each stage of the marriage.

companionate love:High in intimacy and commitment, but low in passion.

companionate notion of marriage:A family ideal which differed from the patriarchal form,
focusing on the emotional bond between two people and reflecting affection and equality
between husbands and wives.

compassionate family:A family ideal in which husbands and wives are both friends and
lovers, and parents are their children’s“pals.”

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