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ethnic group:A group of people who share a common cultural heritage.

ethnocentrism:The belief one culture is superior to others.

evolutionary theory of mate selection:Characteristics we find attractive in a mate have to do
with survival of the species—the potential for childbearing and child rearing.

exchange theory of mate selection:Based on the exchange of social and material resources; it
suggests that we select a mate who is more or less our equal.

existing data:A way of scientifically testing a hypothesis by using public records.

experiment:A scientific way of gathering data by using a control group and an experimental
group in a highly controlled environment.

expressive role:In a marriage context, tending to the emotional needs of the family; typically,
the wife’s role.

extended family:This includes a nuclear family, and all aunts, uncles, cousins, and

facts: Objective and verifiable observations.

familism:The strong feelings of loyalty, reciprocity and solidarity found in Hispanic families

family cohesion:The emotional bonding between family members or the sense of
togetherness versus separateness.

family flexibility:The family’s ability to change it’s leadership, roles, and rules when

family form:Describes the type and sometimes the composition of a family.

family life cycle:A series of emotional and intellectual stages through which families pass
from childhood through retirement.

family manager stage of parenting:From age 2 to 4 in which the parent determine the
meaning of “good enough parent”.

family of origin:The family into which one is born and raised.

family of procreation:The family created when a couple marries and has children.

family of production:A family which is responsible for producing and providing for its own

family remodeler stage of parenting:The departure stage in which parents must adjust to
the child leaving home.

family strength:Herbert Otto’s term for intact families who exhibit interrelated strengths.

family-wage economy:A family type in which the father is the breadwinner and the mother
and children are not expected to help augment the family income.


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