they have a low rate of divorce; (Olson-Fowers definition) Dissatisfaction in areas of
communication, but satisfaction with external marriage factors.
travel agent stage of parenting: Elementary through middle school years in which parents
must adjust to the child’s autonomy.
uncontested divorce:Either one partner fails to respond to requests for a divorce, or there is
total agreement on the settlement.
uninvolved parenting style:Few demands and unresponsive to the child.
value stage of SVR theory:Evaluating a person based on similar values.
Victorian family:Ideology of the 1800s which viewed men as the breadwinner and women
too pure and innocent to work.
vitalized marriage:Highest levels of satisfaction in all nine dimensions of marriage.
volcano dweller stage of parenting:Adolescent years in which parents must support their
teen(s) while maintaining their own authority and responsibility for their teenager.
zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT) or Tubal Embryo Transfer:A medical procedure
similar to IVF but the young embryo is transferred to the fallopian tube instead of the