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Dr. Cynthia Tweedell, Ph.D.

Dr. Tweedell has taught Sociology and Marriage and Family
classes for over 25 years. She and her husband have been married
over 30 years and they have two children. She has an M.A. in
Sociology from University of North Carolina-Greensboro; an
M.A. in Education from University of Chicago; and a Ph.D. in
Human Services from Walden University. She is currently
Executive Director of the Council for Christian Colleges &
Universities (CCCU) Center for Research in Adult Learning.

Barbara A. Riggs, RN, Ph.D., LMFT
Dr. Riggs is an associate professor at Indiana Wesleyan
University where she teaches primarily Marriage and Family
Therapy (MFT) courses. She is the MFT Program Director for
Indiana Wesleyan University and also serves as the Indianapolis
Site Director for the Indiana Wesleyan Counseling Program. She
continues to have a small private practice at Eagle Creek
Counseling Services, which she founded in 1992 and managed
for 12 years before selling the business.
Dr. Riggs is the President-elect for Indiana Association for
Marriage and Family Therapy, as well as chairing the Training
and Education Committee for IAMFT. She has been an
American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy
(AAMFT) Approved Supervisor for 10 years and teaches the
Approved Supervisor Refresher Course for Indiana. She has been
a clinical member of AAMFT since 1985.
She graduated from Purdue University (Purdue) in 1988 with
a Ph.D. She has a M.S. in Nursing from Indiana University and worked as a nurse practitioner and
taught nursing for several years before attending Purdue.As a registered nurse, she continues to utilize
her medical knowledge as she works with clients.
She actively serves on several boards as a board member and on various committees. She does
frequent mission work in the Philippines where she recently wrote the curriculum for a Certificate in
Counseling that would equip Filipino Pastors and Teachers to better serve the Filipino people.
Dr Riggs has a deep faith in God and is excited to see what God has next in store. This text is only
one example of how God opens doors and allows us to use our gifts and talents.

About theAuthors

Cynthia Tweedell with husband, Bill, and children,
Matthew and Rebecca

Barbara Riggs with her husband Randy,
and daughters Jennifer, Melissa and Mandi
and their grandson Collin.
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