Reversing : The Hacker's Guide to Reverse Engineering

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in different formats and for modifying it as you please. Unfortunately, Hex
Workshop doesn’t support disassembly or assembly of instructions, so if you
need to modify an instruction in a program I’d generally recommend using
OllyDbg, where patching can be performed at the assembly language level.
Besides being a patching tool, Hex Workshop is also an excellent program
for data reverse engineering, because it supports translating data into orga-
nized data structures. Unfortunately, Hex Workshop is not free; it can be pur-
chased at
The screenshot in Figure 4.12 shows a typical Hex Workshop screen. On the
right you can see the raw dumped data, both in a hexadecimal and in a textual
view. On the left you can see Hex Workshop’s structure viewer. The structure
viewer takes a data structure definition and uses it to display formatted data
from the current file. The user can select where in the file this structured data

Figure 4.12 A screenshot of Breakpoint Software’s Hex Workshop.

132 Chapter 4

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